Lusks very own Sheela Na Gig " The Idol "

sheela na gig lusk
Lusk Round tower
For hundreds of years Ireland has had a symbol of womanhood that was celebrated as much as St Patrick’s day, on March 18th, yet now few people know her name.
This forgotten goddess was known as Sheela.
Sheela Na Gigs stones and carvings are found throughout Europe but the largest numbers are found in Ireland.
From the 11th century, the figures were found over the entrances to churches, castles, holy wells and in defensive structures such as town walls. From the 17th century, many were removed or destroyed, probably because many at the time found the nature of the representations to be immoral or grotesque.
A sheela-na-gig was located inside the Round Tower Church in Lusk and was known by local people as ” The Idol”
It was recorded and described by antiquarian Austin Cooper in 1783 as following;
‘the human features fancifully hideous; the face being seven inches broad, and the head without neck or body, being attached to a pair of kneeling thighs and legs’
It was removed and buried by the Rev. Mr Tyrrell in about 1843. Its current location is unknown.
Interest in Sheela Na Gigs has been revived over the last few years with much international interest in them from all over the world.
The Obelisk outside the Church in Lusk is commented to the Rev Tyrell mentioned above who died shortly after while in prison for speaking at a repeal rally and who was in fa ct considered a hero of his time.

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